Open hearts.

Open minds.

Open filmmaking.

We collaborate with charities of all sizes to produce films that matter. 

We work with small charities because authentic filmmaking creates space for their voices to be heard by a wider public.

We work with medium and larger charities because their reach helps authentic filmmaking set the standard for the sector.

Ethical & Effective Films

We help charities to produce authentic, inspiring, compelling films ethically, openly and collaboratively.

Free to Be Kids, Our Work
A montage style film showing the impact of the charity’s work.
Jo’s Story, Staying Put
A co-created film telling the story of Jo and how Staying Put helped her.
KB’s Story, Hear Me Out

A film created with KB, telling his story and the impact the charity had on his life.

Content Partnership

We collaborate with charities on a long-term basis, offering creative direction and budget saving advice.
Sarah’s Story, Family Holiday Charity
A film showcasing the difference that a holiday can have on a family.
Our Trip to Margate, Family Holiday Charity
A film following several families on a day out in Margate.
Thank You, Family Holiday Charity
A message to supporters from a mix of families and children.

Engaging Animation

We create effective animation that can help to break down complex topics or tell a story anonymously.
Grow your Wings, Staying Put

An animation co-created with a client who wanted to stay anonymous.

Digital Patient Records, NHS

An engaging animation informed by nurses, explaining the need for a new service.

Our Strategy, The Huntington’s Disease Association

An animation created to bring the charity’s 5 year strategy to life.


We work on projects in collaboration with your teams, storytellers and clients to bring important messages to life.
Refugee Week, IMIX

A film co-created with the Refugee Week Ambassadors, around the theme of compassion. 

Jonathan’s Story, Hear Me Out
A film created by Jonathan as part of a co-created fundraising campaign.
What is Huntington’s Disease?, The Huntington’s Disease Association
An animation co-created with a client designed to be used to explain this complex disease to people.


We help to edit or tidy-up existing footage, as well as putting together engaging films from user-generated content.
Ollie and Ameila’s Story, The Sandcastle Trust
Editing together of content created by the family, using a clear brief from the charity.
Change Is Possible, Stonewall
A Christmas appeal film featuring people with lived experience.
What is Giving Tuesday, CIOF
We worked with charities to create and submit content that was edited together for this campaign.

Event Support

We film events of all sizes to create live social shorts, films to promote after the event and live-streaming where needed.
Conference 2023, NHS Providers
A film created to show and promote the importance of the conference.
Conference 2023, Youth Futures Foundation
A film created to explain the work the charity does and the importance of coming together.
Our Family Day, Soft UK
A film showing the importance of the charity’s family day and the impact it has on the families they support.

Other Services

Connecting Creatives
We connect charities with specialists in authentic storytelling from other disciplines such as photography, graphic design, writing and fundraising.
Free Legacy Fundraising Film

We are offering one charity the chance to have a free Legacy Fundraising Film produced with our support.

Small Charity Appeal Program

Does your charity want to diversify income and become less dependent on grants? Our 8 week program pairs each charity with a mentor, creating a tailored roadmap for successful fundraising.

Learn more about our workshops, for charities of all sizes and budgets.